Friday, June 3, 2011

white wedding dress with red train

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  • want a white wedding dress

  • talmy
    Feb 25, 02:35 PM
    Pardon my ignorance. I've never used a server before, but now that it is being opened up for free in Lion, is this something that I could benefit from? What can it be used for from average home consumers?

    I'm not average but I use it at home. Here's the list of services I use:

    Open Directory
    DynDNS Update
    TimeMachine backup for 5 Macs
    Windows VM to run Quicken (Screen Sharing to view)
    File Sharing for music, pictures, video, software archival storage.
    AddressBook server to sync address book among computers and iTouches
    iCal server to sync and share calendars among computers and iTouches.
    Printer/Scanner server for shared all-in-one
    VPN server to access network away from home

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  • balamw
    Oct 9, 10:59 PM
    thats true and I agree, however best buy often offers much lower prices, which attracts me to them, hell I'm a loyal customer regardless of how crappy of a company it may be.
    Who am I to mess up their business model? I often make a Tuesday trip to my local BB to pick up new releases, but it's not always true that BB beats Target's prices. If I'm shopping for a new release I'll usually check both places, Costco & Amazon and get it from the place with the lowest price or nicest "extra". My kids have received lots of "freebies" along with DVDs at Best Buy or Costco...


    white wedding dress with red train. Since Roman times, the white
  • Since Roman times, the white

  • Stella
    Apr 1, 09:24 AM
    I remember Spock from Star Trek basically made a comment about TV like that. I believe the episode was called "Bread and Circuses". Spock didn't say Scary but since he is half human he probably thought that.

    There was a quote in Star Trek NG that said something along the lines of "TV was a fad in the 20th and early 21th century"!!

    white wedding dress with red train. Red train. arty shot of the train of the wedding gown
  • Red train. arty shot of the train of the wedding gown

  • matthewroth
    Sep 1, 05:15 AM
    how do they release the preview to developers and not let loose the super secret features? are all the super secret features all applications which don't need testing?

    or will there be another round of betas?:confused: :confused: :confused:

    My bet is that the GUI will be tested in the labs, there will be a few more apps put to the Dev's but not for a while yet. Apple want them to get board of spaces so they can put more atention on to the newer (SUPER SECRET) apps.

    to be frank, the GUI will not be put out on any beta. this is the one thing apple dont want those pencil pushing theifs at redmond to see as it will no doubt work its way into there next relese (microsoft 2012?)


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  • Wedding Dress - Plain Stunning

  • finalcut
    May 4, 08:31 AM
    Pre-ordered from Gamestop 3 days ago. Hope to receive the key by the end of this week!

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  • roadbloc
    Dec 18, 07:49 AM
    It seems that a lot of people are buying Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine in hope it will knock XFactor's Joe MacElderry's song from the UK's Christmas number one.

    Having never liked the XFactor or the songs Simon "Smug" Cowell has produced from the show, I am supporting RATM for christmas number one. I don't even like Killing In The Name that much, I am just one of the many people fed up of the XFactor and Simon Cowell dominating the UK's pop music industry with conveyer belt rubbish.

    What are your guy's views on this?


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  • wedding dress, avoid red

  • Abulia
    Sep 20, 12:25 AM
    Those with RAID 0 arrays, how are you finally getting the update to install? Do you have to remove your RAID and install from a "spare" OS X single drive that you just happen to have lying around? :confused:

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  • Overlarge Train White

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 11:41 AM
    Is this an extra MacBook model in addition to the other MacBooks?
    it will be called macboo and come in dingy white and instead of "moo's" we will hear.... Boos?


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  • Dammit Cubs
    May 3, 12:49 PM
    Seriously, this is what people are complaining about it? Grow up. What a waste of a complaint.

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  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 02:19 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Northpark is reaching 100


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  • Aniej
    Dec 11, 03:34 PM
    I thought Microsoft already announced this? ohhh no wait my bad, what I meant was a PC to Mac conversion system, I think its codename is Windows.:D

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  • Train organza wedding gown

  • OllyW
    Mar 23, 01:38 PM
    I'm fairly certain AirPlay is actually a standard that Apple has licensed from another company which is why there were already a few receivers on the market that supported or could be updated to support AirPlay.

    You must confusing it with something else. AirPlay ( is Apple's updated version of AirTunes which has been around for years.


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  • A-Line NEW Charming White+Red

  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 06:05 PM
    What I mean is that DLNA seems to be always used in the context of "I am here, and my media is over there". For example, I have music or movies stored on a remote server or a NAS, and I want to bring it into the device I'm currently sitting at (a TV, an iPod or iPad, a PS3, another computer).

    Whereas AirPlay seems to be the opposite: "My media is here, but I want to play it over there". You use AirPlay to redirect the audio/video output from your iPhone or iPad or computer to a remote A/V device like your stereo receiver or Apple TV.

    DLNA can actually work either way, depending on what device classes are supported. From Wikipedia (

    Digital Media Server (DMS): These devices store content and make it available to networked digital media players (DMP) and digital media renderers (DMR). Examples include PCs and network attached storage (NAS) devices.

    Digital Media Player (DMP): These devices find content on digital media servers (DMS) and provide playback and rendering capabilities. Examples include TVs, stereos and home theaters, wireless monitors and game consoles.

    Digital Media Renderer (DMR): These devices play content received from a digital media controller (DMC), which will find content from a digital media server (DMS). Examples include TVs, audio/video receivers, video displays and remote speakers for music.

    Digital Media Controller (DMC): These devices find content on digital media servers (DMS) and play it on digital media renderers (DMR). Examples include Internet tablets, Wi-Fi enabled digital cameras and personal digital assistants (PDAs).

    So, in Apple terms:

    DMS is like a shared iTunes library.

    DMP is "pull", analogous to when an Apple TV is accessing your library via iTunes Home Sharing.

    DMR is a target for "push", analogous to using an Apple TV as an AirPlay output.

    DMC is like the Remote app, or what iTunes/iOS turn into when you switch on AirPlay.

    (I have no clue how many TVs out there that act as a DMP can also be set to automatically work as a DMR.)

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  • Train Satin Wedding Dress

  • Polo5
    Oct 6, 10:00 AM
    Really? that would be interesting


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  • Shipping Weight: 3.5Kg. A-line

  • rodpascoe
    Sep 25, 10:42 AM
    Can't believe aperture doesn't support more RAW types yet.

    Until it supports more/all of the raw types, it will never be a real 'pro' application imho

    I'm using it for my JPEG stuff but I do wish it would support the RAW files from my Fuji S3 :(

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  • Mermaid wedding dress. White

  • spazzcat
    Jan 4, 12:30 PM
    Whoever advised them to not put the maps onboard and download as needed, needs to be fired- poor decision.

    Went from Cleveland to Flordia with a download based GPS on my iPhone, had no issues.


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  • White , red ,black ,ivory and

  • Ivan P
    Jun 16, 11:15 PM
    Hope the new 360 is RROD-proof.

    RRoD is for "general hardware failure" - no electronics are 100% safe from hardware failure. There'll no doubt still be some cases of the RRoD, but how bad it will be in comparison to the 'legacy' 360 is what we have to wait for.

    It's kind of an ugly design. It screams of somebody trying too hard to make it look pretty. And seriously they're just now including built in wifi?

    Yeah, it honestly looks like a hybrid between the old 360, the old fatty PS3 and the Wii - it has the 360's weird concave curves (albeit sharper and uglier), the fatty PS3's glossiness and touch sensitive power/eject buttons (who wants to bet MSFT was waiting for Sony to take this out of the slim PS3 before implementing it in the 360?), not to mention it also looks kind of like a black Wii that someone has taken to with a baseball bat.

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  • Wedding Dress | Red Prom Dress

  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:40 PM
    What they do in other countries has nothing to do with how they would do it in the USA. Do you seriously think the cable companies would introduce a choice where they stand to lose money? There's no way, unless the FCC forced them, that this would happen.

    Also, $1/channel is way too low. Just because you can get 10 channels for $60, doesn't mean each channel would be priced at 60 cents. IIRC, a popular channel like ESPN costs the cable provider $4/subscriber ... and that's with Disney forcing the whole ABC/ESPN/Disney package of channels onto the cable co.

    If ALC does happen, I would guess that most people would pay the same or more than they currently do. A small percentage may pay less, but it really depends on what channels they pick (and whether those channels survive).

    It's a con when channels that focus on specific programming are forced to close up or offer the same old crap that everyone else does. For instance, a channel like BET may not survive to provide focused programming to the African American community because they would likely lose over half their subscriber base.

    This isn't the goal of diverse television programming. Take a look at Obama's position on ALC. This is what I'm referring to.

    As for letting the less popular networks whither, I do see this as a con. Networks will need to appeal to a broader audience in order to compete. Get ready for 15 channels showing the same formuliac sitcom. 20 channels of reality TV shows. 10 channels of daytime/social talk shows. 15 channels of sports. And 13 channels of news. No room for channels like History Channel or Discovery Health ... as they'll morph into a TNT or SpikeTV.

    So I pay $60 a month and get all of the channels you mentioned above:

    SpikeTV - Unsubscribe Please
    TNT - Unsubscribe Please
    History Channel - Unsubscribe Please
    Discovery Health - Unsubscribe Please
    BET - Unsubscribe Please
    ESPN - Unsubscribe Please
    ABC Family - Unsubscribe Please
    Disney - Unsubscribe Please

    I'll take:

    Comedy Central

    I'd gladly pay $5 per channel knowing those channels are supported and any funding is stripped from the others. That'd half my monthly bill, and $5 a channel is more than fair, right?

    If the others can't appeal to their subscribers, bye bye crap channels.

    But PS - All of the above is utterly irrelevant. These cable channels are ADVERTISEMENT supported, like newspapers, NOT subscription supported.... so they'd fail because they could no longer sell false numbers of "potential viewers" anymore, so they'd fail because they suck, not because they don't make money from subscribers.

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  • Dreadnought
    May 25, 01:06 PM
    Well, two posts are better then one, so, I also posted. :D

    Apr 27, 09:04 PM
    To me, your user name perfectly sums up the risk of messing with your Dock. There are all kinds of threads on this forum from (usually novice) users who run into big headaches from doing what you propose to do. If you were an expert user, you wouldn't be asking this, you'd know what to do and what not to do.

    Mar 23, 06:52 PM
    I bet Apple keeps secrets better than the Government....

    May 2, 12:08 PM
    For every terrorist killed, 10 more are created.

    It's a vicious circle, or no virtue.

    Apr 16, 08:37 AM
    Every little bit helps. But what we really need is people with 8 cores plus (virtual, desktop machine) running bigadv, at least until faster GPU and/or a GPU client for mac.

    Glad to hear from other users on the forum :)

    We have lost more active users since I started this thread :( Come on every one, every bit helps. Hell if we had 1000 users folding 100 points a day that would go a long way, and for those who don't fold 100 points is not that hard for a modern computer :)

    Mar 12, 08:13 AM
    I was maybe 300 in a line of 500+ at Willow Bend Mall. Waited 5 hours, got to spot 50 from the door, and they ran out.

    The sad thing was the lack of information being provided by Apple to us waiting in line. There were maybe 150 in line still when they clearly ran out. The line sat unmoving for about 45 minutes when news was finally announced that they ran out. I don't understand why they had us stand there for 45 minutes to tell us they were sold out?

    During past launches, Apple passed out free water, or took inventory counts against the people waiting in line. This time nothing from Apple but a bunch of Apple employees that had no idea how much inventory they had until they were all out.

    I don't know why they didn't allow pre-reservations, either, this time around.

    So this launch, in my opinion, was a little wild and disorganized compared to launches of days past.

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